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Stay Awesome, Stay Kind

The Power of Choice: How a Simple Shift in Mindset Can Change Your Life. Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. This profound idea, often attributed to Viktor Frankl, speaks to the incredible power of choice that we all have in every moment of our lives.

Our brains are wired with a negativity bias, a survival mechanism designed to protect us by focusing on dangers and threats. Without conscious effort, this bias can dominate our thoughts, making it easy to fixate on what’s wrong around us. But the key is recognizing that we have the ability to choose how we respond to life’s challenges.

Even with that awareness, it’s important to remember that not every choice will lead to a perfect outcome. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things don’t work out the way we hoped—and that’s okay. What matters most is that we made a conscious choice. Life itself is the greatest teacher, and every experience, whether positive or negative, helps us grow.

Your Guiding Star

The choices we make become the guiding stars of our lives, shaping the lens through which we view the world. I personally choose to live by the phrase, “Stay Awesome & Stay Kind,” repeating it as often as I can throughout my day.

Is it always easy? Absolutely not.

Does it always work? Not necessarily. But it gives me a foundation to return to, a baseline that helps me steer my life in a positive direction. It’s not about forcing positivity or pretending that everything is always perfect. It’s about consciously choosing how I want to respond, especially when life gets tough.

Embracing Life’s Ebbs and Flows

Life is full of ups and downs. Our energy levels fluctuate, stress comes and goes, and challenges will always be part of our journey. The important thing is deciding what we hold onto as we ride the waves. When life is at its hardest, it’s easy to give in to negative thinking. But I’d rather choose to focus on staying awesome and kind, rather than falling into a cycle of negativity.

Typing “Stay Awesome & Stay Kind” isn’t just a habit for me—it’s a daily commitment. It reminds me that no matter what happens, I have the power to choose how I navigate this life. It’s not life’s job to make this a well-lived life; that’s entirely up to me.

Find Your Own Mantra

My choice to stay awesome and kind is what works for me, but everyone’s journey is different. I encourage you to find the phrase or mindset that resonates with you and helps guide you through life’s challenges. And if you don’t have one yet, feel free to borrow mine.

The power of choice is in your hands. Use it to create a life filled with growth, freedom, and positivity. Stay awesome, stay kind, and remember: it’s always up to you.

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