In today’s world of aerial photography, drones and helicopters dominate the skies. They capture stunning vistas and provide perspectives that were once unimaginable. However, before the era of modern drone photography, a man named George Lawrence revolutionized the field with his innovative use of kites. Known as the father of...
So what happens when a shotgun hits a drone? Well, I recently found out. I was taking some video footage of a shotgun range in action. Was getting some awesome looking clips and shots of clay targets flying past and getting fit. But then…opps. I flew a little too close...
I’m a Leica Street photographer, traveller, avid reviewer, marketer and blogger. I am, by my own admission, a gear nut but I don’t buy gear just to test it or pixel peep. I’m only interested in the art that can be produced with the gear. And seeing what emotions can be brought out in those who see my photos.